Following is privacy policy of MAKE UP HOUSE DOO Belgrade web site. By accessing, searching and use of this web site you confirm that you have read and understood privacy policy principles.
You can choose to directly provide us your personal information on various occasions. For example, you should leave your name and other personal data in order to contact you, process your order, to provide service or to engage cooperation if you are a supplier or business partner. We will respect your wish not to use your personal data in order to contact you regarding subjects not related to your specific request. We might gather information about your usage of our web presentation. For example, when you visit our web presentation we will probably collect certain information that browser is broadcasting, like your IP address, browser type, language, time of access and certain web addresses. We might collect information about web sites which you visit on our locations or actions that you initiate during that visits. Collecting information this way gives us the opportunity to gather statistical data about use and efficiency of our web presentation in order to personalize your experience during visits and to adjust the interactions accordingly. In section called “Cookies, web beacons and other technologies” you can find detailed information about technologies that we use. Information that we directly or indirectly collect, can be interchanged in order to be more precise or complete but also to adjust the interaction with you.
Detailed description of terms by which MAKE UP HOUSE™ DOO Belgrade can use your personal data is provided in the following paragraphs.
If you send a request to MAKE UP HOUSE™ DOO Belgrade regarding certain products, services or marketing material, the information that you send will be used to respond to your inquiry. In order to accomplish that goals we might forward that information to our business partners, financial institutions, logistic companies, post offices or government oraganisations, such as customs offices. We may contact you regarding customer satisfaction questionnaire or market research.
MAKE UP HOUSE™ DOO Belgrade only has information collected trough this web site. Information that you willingly provided via e-mail or other direct or indirect contact is accessible only to us. Those information will not be sold or rented. There is a possibility to contact you in the future regarding companies news, activities or projects but only if you specifically require otherwise.
As mentioned previously, we collect statistical information during your visits to our web site, regarding efficiency and use of our Internet presentation in order to personalize your browsing experience. Various technologies are used for data collection such as cookies. Cookie represents data that web site can send to the web browser and it can be saved later on the computer as label that identifies it. Although cookies are used to measure level of usage and efficiency of web pages and to provide ease of use and therefore are not interfered with personal information, sometimes in case of frequent visits, they are used to personalize browsing experience by accessing profile information or user preferred options. In most cases you can set up web browser to show notification prior to cookie reception and therefore you can choose to accept it or not. Also, web browser can be set up not to accept cookies.
This web site contains links to other Internet presentations. Please be warned that MAKE UP HOUSE™ DOO Belgrade does not take responsibility for contents and security principles of those web sites. We advise our users to be careful when leaving our web site and to read privacy documents of other web sites that gather personal information.